Our Macro Class at Blue Heron Bridge was treated to excellent conditions at the bridge. We also snuck in a night dive offshore of Palm Beach on Friday evening and conditions out there were excellent too. Reef Photo and Video sponsored the class, and we had a great group of divers. We had camera systems ranging from point and shoots in Ike housings to Canon 7D and Nikon D7000's in Nauticam housings. The Blue Heron Bridge served up a great assortment of creatures; sea robins, batfish, horseshoe crabs, seahorses, blennies including pike blennies, and even spotted eagle rays (not exactly a macro subject) were some of the highlights. Here are some shots from the weekend:
Reflection of a Pike Blenny, by Dennis Whitestone
Dennis Working his Canon 7D with EF-S 60mm
Juvenile Fish (Damselfish) in Sponge, by George Pohle
George under the bridge with his D7000 and 105VR
Bristle Worm by Gary Reinhart
Gary with the Nikon D7000 and 60mm
Longarm Octopus by Haille Carter from Pura Vida Divers
Haille with her Nikon Point and Shoot
Black Seahorse by Peter Bernstein
Peter Shooting a Different Seahorse with his NEX-5
Urchin by Cheryl Black
Cheryl Throwing Fire with her Inon Strobes and Canon S90
Blenny in a Barnacle, by Frank Delargy
Frank under the bridge with his Olympus E-PL1
Reef Squid on the Night Dive, by Dennis WhitestoneIt was a great class! See our 2012 Events Page for more upcoming classes and events.