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Announcing Support for the Sony NEX-5N

Nauticam Support for the Sony NEX-5N Camera

Nauticam proudly announces support for the new Sony NEX-5N camera, the successor to the popular NEX-5 camera. Nauticam was the first underwater housing manufacturer to recognize the NEX-5’s potential as an underwater camera and the first to market with a rugged aluminum housing for it. No other housing manufacturer has come close to the success Nauticam has had with NEX-5.

With the NEX-5N, Sony has provided several enhancements to the system that will benefit underwater shooters, including an improved 16-megapixel sensor, a 10 fps maximum shooting rate, in-camera lens correction, and 1080p/60fps AVCHD 2.0 video. NEX-5N features an electronic first curtain shutter release, reducing shutter lag to a blazingly fast 20ms (pre-focused).

Nauticam will support the NEX-5N with two options: - For existing NA-NEX5 housing owners, Nauticam will release an upgrade kit (p/n 17451), to allow the new NEX-5N camera to work with the NA-NEX5 housing. This kit is expected to be available at the end of September. - Nauticam will also release the NA-NEX5N housing (p/n 17402), designed specifically for the NEX-5N. The housing is expected to be available by mid-October. USA Dealer List: International Dealer Listing: